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Sweet Runnig To Lose Weight

Some people think that you can reduce weight, in order to quickly thin = will adhere to for a long time running, is bound to make a sweat, wet clothes.
Running, however, sweating is not necessarily can reduce weight, also can cause cause health problems.
Running sweating or have a certain effect reducing weightLuck still sweating can accelerate the fluid circulation and metabolism of the body, will build up in the body of toxins, such as lactic acid, urea, ammonia can also guarantee the nose, skin, lung, colon, this system can control the blood pressure, promote the elimination, prevent osteoporosis, the most important is can make you thin come down.Science has shown that when human body movement and achieve a certain intensity, burn fat will be converted into heat, through the sweat out of the body.Therefore, sports sweat send out heat Quantity and promote more fat burning, so as to achieve the effect that reduce weight.Sweat through exercise to lose weight has no side effects, is the ideal way to lose weight.
See here, the sister of some usual running big sweat heart began to secretly pleased, thought he was sweating can lose weight.But that is not the case.Running a sweat to have certain effect on weight loss, but sweat inevitable cause-and-effect relationship between the weight loss and is not.When you run Sweating the causes of disease may be too much.If suffer from rheumatism, tuberculosis sweating a lot, and encephalitis sequela is often accompanied by sweating, if that happens, will be timely to go to the hospital to check.

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